Thursday, 4 December 2014

Five Beans of COFFEE.


     Coffee is a very interesting topic to discuss about. I am more of a coffee person than a tea person. Coffee has the depth and the darkness which tea lacks. Coffee was introduced to me when I was very young. I have never liked milk, tea, bournvita or any such stuff. So my mom came up with a solution. She started making  coffee in which milk content was very high and coffee just for the flavour. Eventually, as I grew up, the content of coffee started increasing. Now I am more of a dark coffee lover.

       "Coffee!" ..the word it self is so energising! It leads to a great world of memories. It has so many different shades just like its varying darkness. Coffee has been the reason for so many things. Now let's see how the reasons have been continuously changing over the time and other aspects like climate, friendship etc.


I still remember those two mugs of coffee I used to have everyday. Getting up for school or class and multi -tasking to get ready on time. This mug used to be lying on the dining table, waiting for me. I never liked drinking extremely hot coffee. So my mom used to keep it on the table to cool it down. And then while getting out of the house I used to drink it up in a hurry, rubbing off the coffee moustache as I ran. The second mug used to be served in the evening before going out to play with friends. This mug usually had the company of biscuits and cartoon series. Sometimes the involvement in TV was so much that half of the biscuits would suicide in the mug. But the fun in eating that biscuit at the end of the mug was ultimate. It used to fall in the mouth in slow motion. Fun times I must say.


This is kind of a hyped coffee. Just to keep myself up for study at night, I used to prepare darkish coffee. And usually used to sleep in half an hour after drinking it. It never worked out for me. But yes, during my SSC preparations me and my friend used to have coffee with added chocolate sauce. It was a stress buster.


It is raining outside, you are looking through your window or a balcony, the thing which you must have in your hand is hot coffee. Sipping it and looking at clouds results in an awesome time. The hotness of coffee and cold breeze due to rain make it more awesome. Bhaji, Maggie are some examples of side dishes to coffee or chai.


These are the times when you haven't really planned for a coffee but you drink it due to the inner attraction towards it's smell. Usually you find it at udipi restaurants. The aroma of this coffee is very addictive. You will encounter it, if you are walking by the restaurant. And you can't stop your self from drinking it. I love filter coffee. Even my grandmother used to make it. The whole house used to be filled with the flavoured smell. Filter coffee with some added spices was a hit at my place.


These are the most lovely times. To ask some one you like or love for a coffee. Usually coffee is the hidden reason for bringing people together. The excitement in holding that mug and then holding her/his hand. The non stop talks. The private zone which you create in the whole cafe, detached from the world. The sips and glances everything is so lovely. Could be a  beautiful start or even keeping up with relationship.

         Coffee has been a reason for me to keep up with life. We often get nice creative ideas while sipping coffee. We can even get a good and clear perspective. Coffee has given me so many memories and it will continue to do so. Took me 2 mugs of coffee to write it all down.


Note:- The blog has been written on mobile phone and also the pictures are captured from one too. As it is a mobile QWERTY blog not a laptop-DSLR blog yet.


  1. very nice..a great explanation of all the different shades of coffee related to our lives..keep blogging Mr.Suyog����

  2. Thanks Omkar....I really appreciate your comment...:-)

  3. Good one Suyog. Even I gotta grab a cup of coffee after reading your blog. Keep it up!

  4. Great coffeeology... coffees solves everything... happy blogging

  5. Thank you very much mam...."coffeeology" nice term....

  6. That was amazing suyog...very beautifully put
