Thursday, 4 August 2011

Dark red days.

Four days before December
Regular day started for everyone....

The city of dreams was waking up,
was getting ready for heavy work.
Gateway of India
opposite to it Taj area,
C.S.T. railway station
with so many peoples junction,
Kama hospital with new born babies
Nariman house was quite as daily,
Oberoy hotel calm and clean
every one was busy in daily routine.
All things were going so wel,
there was noting to make you scared.
Four days before December,
No one was knowing what gonna happen....
The evils were comming towards city,
with negative attitude they were ready.
who were they?why they were there?
the cold dark eyes with no care.
They came and started firing ,
due to bullets the people were dieing.
They were painting everything with blood red colour,
No sensation in heart only terror.
Stone hearted evils were killing people,
Police were unable to stop these creatures.

Four days before December,
a terror started full of fear....

First time in the history of golden city,
the evils were destroying humanity.
They were killing and destroying property,
Taj,Oberoy,Kama,Narimon house and C.S.T.
The Army stopped them with great efforts,
But we lost our great worriors.

It was,
Four days befor December
we lost so many things,
which we will remember

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